Refund Policy

Refund policy

For refund or return requests,please contact us within 14 days after your tracking number has been marked as "delivered". Requests received later than 14 days after delivery, will not be eligible.

Our refund and returns policy applies only if the item is received with a fault, damaged, or is significantly different to the description. To help us process your request, we may ask for photos or other documentary evidence as proof, so we can best diagnose the problem and work on a solution for you.


If you need to cancel your order, please contact us after you place the order within an hour. Because after receiving the order, we need to prepare the product, pack it, and deliver it to the shipping point before it is officially shipped. If you apply for a refund after the next single hour, we may charge 10%-20% of the order amount, including the restocking fee, the packing fee, and the round-trip fee to the shipping point. The specific fee will be based on the actual circumstances charged.

Customs and import taxes

Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. If the package cannot be delivered due to the buyer’s refusal to pay customs duties, the buyer shall bear the loss.

Craftsmanship and Quality Guarantee

If you have found an issue in quality or craftsmanship with a product from us, please contact us immediately and we will repair or replace it, at our discretion. Products that have been subject to abuse are not eligible under this guarantee. Products on our site are described as accurately as possible, but occasional slight variations in measurements, color, or design may occur.

Return Rules

We might ask the buyer to test the item in order to eliminate the improper use factor, buyer has the responsibility to follow the test correctly.
We will cover all expenses (Item price, Shipping$) if confirmed due to manufacturing problems or our errors, the other way round, the buyer will be responsible for the return and bear the freight.
The item must be returned in NEW condition and with the entire original package and accessories, manuals, etc or it will be rejected by our warehouse and returned back to you.
Replacement/Refund will be made within 3-5 business days after the goods are returned and received by the seller.
We strongly recommend you use a service with tracking# to locate the return packages.

Returned products are permitted and must be initiated by the buyer within 14 days from the date of purchase.
There is no restocking fee for damaged or defective products. Shipping fees are non-refundable.
For damage caused by incorrect use, assembly, disassembly, and sharpening of product. We are not responsible for returns and exchanges.